When I walked into Studio Le Modern, my jaw dropped. I wanted to buy everything in the shop. Then, I looked at the prim count and I couldn't believe that such nice stuff was so low in prims. The nifty desk pictured above? 7 prims. The animated boss chair is 15 prims, but there are other matching chairs available for 5 prims each. The computer and keyboard are 5 prims. The lamp is 8 prims. So, you can have the whole set for a well-spent 40 prims, or you can pare down it down to as low as 20 prims. Not too shabby. The whole set is 700L and includes everything shown in the picture above plus a few desk accessories (post its!), a modular shelf and a small file cabinet.
Studio Le Modern also features a beautiful 8-prim fireplace for 100L and my favorite part of the house, the bathroom. The shower, bath and sink are all animated, rounding out a really nifty bathroom set.
Incidentally, the shop is located on creator Le Leinhardt's Rodeo Drive themed build, which is minimalist, classy and filled with neat goodies to spend your Lindens on.
Le's Rodeo Drive Beverly Hills, Howlin Wolf (27, 58, 22)
My rodeo drive store has been removed. But my main store Le Modern still exits.
nice blog
Good to read about this,it is always nice to know about the trends that are on around us.
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