In my endless quest for the perfect tea service, I wandered into Ingrid Igersoll's Homestore in Tableau. Besides being the most adorable tea service I've found yet, it comes in two colors - white and cream and is only 69L. The only catch is that it comes with a hefty 17 prims, so you might want to save it for special occasions.
Ingrid's store also has some of the highest quality furniture and pre-fab homes in Second Life, and the prices are all extremely reasonable. Most of the furniture is under 200L, and the homes are mainly in the 300-500L range. Many of the pieces are high in prims, but she features a nice selection of home accents that are 1-3 prims. Her rugs, for example, are gorgeous. Ingrid is kind enough to have a nice variety of 1L, low-prim furniture at the Gnubie store, for those of you who have limited prims.
Ingrid Ingersoll's Homestore, Tableau (195, 90, 25)
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